Disable windows 7 driver signature check
Disable windows 7 driver signature check

All I had to go on was installation failed “rolling back changes” After 10 minutes of Googling “Windows 8 NEC DSX,” I found that my problems had to do with the driver missing a signature in the NEC software. There was no error message as to why this was not installing. I could not install the DSX Administrator software to adjust the phone system programing. To my “surprise” this 5 minute task turned into a 30 minute process. I typically do changes like this on site with my laptop running Windows 7 Pro. I haven't done this on Windows 8 or 8.1 just because the situation has not arised.

disable windows 7 driver signature check

Seriously, I have to jump through what hoops to make this work? I needed to make some quick adjustments to a NEC DSX Phone system today.

Disable windows 7 driver signature check